Gardening in an Apartment Without a Balcony [5 Creative Options That Work]

Living in an apartment with limited to nonexistent outdoor areas can make gardening seem impossible. Fortunately, you can still bring some greenery into your living space.

In this post, we’ll explore all the creative ways for gardening in an apartment without a balcony.

How to Put Up a Garden in an Apartment Without a Balcony

There are various methods to turn your apartment into a green retreat, even without a balcony.

1. Windowsill Garden

One of the easiest ways to start an indoor garden is by using your windowsills. Many houseplants crave sunlight, so pick a window that gets plenty of natural light.

Some great options for windowsill gardens include herbs, succulents, and small flowering plants.

2. Container Garden

Container gardening is a versatile option for growing anything from herbs and vegetables to flowers and small trees. 

Plant containers come in all sizes, shapes, and materials. You can choose from traditional terracotta, plastic, or wooden pots. Alternatively, you can get creative and eco-friendly by reusing old buckets and tins.

Best of all, you can place your pots on bookshelves, tables, and floors and create playful arrangements with your plants.

3. Vertical Garden

If you’re short on space, you can create a vertical garden using hanging planters or even a shoe organizer. A wall-mounted modular system is also a great DIY project for weekend warriors.

Plants like ferns, trailing vines, and herbs don’t require a lot of soil depth and are perfect for this setup. 

I love the modern, sleek and space saving features of this one.

4. Hydroponics Garden

Hydroponics is a soilless gardening method that uses a nutrient-rich water solution and a growing medium, like perlite or clay pebbles. It’s an excellent option for an apartment garden since it requires less water and space than traditional gardening.

You can create a hydroponics garden using a kit or build your system with PVC pipes. Leafy greens and other veggies are the best crops to cultivate with this technique.

For a ready-made solution, here’s one that is popular on Amazon that doesn’t break the bank.

5. Aquaponics Garden

Aquaponics is another soil-free and sustainable way to grow plants indoors. You use a fish tank to raise fish and then use fish wastes to fertilize your plants. In return, the plants keep the water clean for the fish by acting as a filter.

This system requires some investment and planning, but it can be a great way to grow fresh produce in your apartment.

How to Choose the Right Plants for an Apartment Garden

Choosing the right plants for your apartment garden is essential to ensure they thrive in the conditions they’ll live in. 

Here are some things to consider when selecting plants for your indoor garden:

1. Light Requirements

Determine how much light your apartment receives. Some plants need bright, direct sunlight, while others do well in low light. Meanwhile, many houseplants, like bromeliads and alocasia, are the happiest in indirect light.

Sunny windows are ideal for succulents, cacti, or fruit-bearing plants. Otherwise, choose plants that can tolerate dark interiors, like peace lily, Chinese evergreen, or snake plants.

When shopping for your garden, check the label to help you choose plants that’ll match your apartment’s lighting conditions.

2. Space

Consider the size of your apartment and the available space you can allocate for a garden. If you have a small place, opt for compact plants like herbs and succulents, which can thrive in small containers.

If you’re keen on growing plants that need more room to spread out, your vertical space can offer gardening opportunities. Plants that cascade over the sides of the container and create a waterfall effect are perfect in hanging baskets.

3. Care Requirements

Be realistic about how much time and effort you’re willing to dedicate to your houseplants. Some plants require more maintenance than others, so look for plants that’ll fit your lifestyle. 

If you’re a newbie to gardening or just a busy bee, go for houseplants that can survive periods of neglect. Some hard-to-kill plants include aloe vera, dumbcane, and spider plants.

4. Humidity

Most indoor plants are native to tropical habitats, where it’s hot and humid year-round. Except for cacti and succulents, expect that most of your plant options thrive in such conditions.

If the air in your apartment gets too dry, you can place a tray filled with pebbles and water beneath your pots. Alternatively, you can invest in an automatic humidifier to raise the humidity levels in your place.

Final Thoughts

Don’t let the lack of outdoor space prevent you from pursuing gardening in an apartment without a balcony. 

With a little creativity and smart plant choices, you can cultivate a thriving oasis in the comfort of your home. So, put your gloves on, and let’s start digging!